Keep data, keep data, keep data. Many school counselors are now in this mindset of keeping data to prove our effectiveness with the student population. Keeping data also keeps us accountable. One of the most effective ways to do this is with Google Forms. What is great about Google Forms is that you can easily analyze the data since it exports into a spreadsheet. Spreadsheets easily give us the percentages and graphs we need to make our data look amazing.
If you've never used a spreadsheet to sort your data, and make graphs, then Jim Deeken's YouTube tutorials are for you. He has a whole tutorial playlist on how to get started. Below is his video.
Wait, what!?! Isn't that breeching confidentiality? Well no, but it depends on how you have your form set up. If you keep meticulous notes about each student, then yes. If you keep a general log of who comes to see you then no.
I choose to track what the main reason for the visit : Academic, Social, Emotional, College/Career. I also choose to track what type of service I'm providing: System Support (if teacher/counselor), Guidance Curriculum (if teacher/counselor), Individual Student Planning, or Responsive Services.
The one item I track just for myself, is if I used Solution Focused Counseling. Using Solution Focused Counseling is one of my professional goals. I track this with my check in form, this then gives my principal an idea of how much I'm using this skill without sitting in on any student sessions. This idea was actually developed by my principal and a really good way to see if I'm meeting my goals without breaking confidentially. A win-win.
If you'd like to see an example of my student check in form, click the button below or keep scrolling.