I've been using Google Forms to gather data on antecedents and triggers for students this year. So many times we try things but don't have the data to back up what we're doing exactly or if it's helping. Now, I used this for students with extreme behaviors. I took a Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence form and turned it into a Google Form. I added and combined a few things on my form, for teacher ease, but it has been working.
In one incident, we didn't find a pattern in triggers for behavior, but an antecedent over 80% of the time was the same. Once we had the data for a few months, I then started the collaboration with our Student Resource Team to write a Positive Behavior Support Plan. If you didn't know, Google Forms will automatically calculate the data for you!
Here is the link to the Google Form I created to track triggers and antecedents.